Sunday, September 28, 2014

Magic The Gathering - Khans of Tarkir

Of all the board games and video games that we play, Magic has usually been one of the more competitive games that we play with each other. We don't usually go to any tournaments or events (way too unsocial for that), however when a new set gets released we usually go and pick up a fat pack of the set to see what new cards we can add to our mini collection. This also prevents us from going too crazy and buying a bunch of packs or cards online.

So many of one pack. Sadly missing one guy.
In the Khans of Tarkir set, we weren’t really looking for any cards in particular. The cards themselves though this seems interesting based on the spoilers that we had seen. Since each fat pack comes with nine packs and some lands, we each pick 4 of these packs and try to make a 40 card deck. That way we get to see which cards we find fun and interesting. The last pack we just open up and set to the side. 

There is a difference in weight. The 0.1oz difference was a shiny card this time around. Got 3 shiny cards.
The Khans of Tarkir set is all about tri color clans each with their own special keywords and abilities. Rami went with the Temur clan, a green blue red clan focused on power. I (JDX), went with the Abzan clan, a white black green clan focused on endurance and defence. As the match went on, I was in the lead setting up my defences and sending flying guys out, however Rami came back from behind with her trump card and seized victory at the very last minute.

After the game we showed each other what we got and were very surprised at our findings this time around. We each had got a very powerful rare card that made up for the price we paid for the fat pack with ease. We had a very good pull of cards this time around.

In the end, it was an interesting set, got a few new tricks to use for our main decks even though most of the cards we got are not usable in our current colors (even if we wanted to).

Oh yeah, 10 rares with one being shiny. Sucks we got 2 of the same card though.

Amazing mythics! We put them in sleeves to keep them in near mint condition.

Anyways, back to playing Hyrule Warriors! (to be continued…)

Posted by Rami & JDX

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